Truth-Telling on a Global Scale
Discussions about the reconciliation movement globally through their research with the Churchill Fellowship.
In 2023, Noongar Leader Robyn Smith-Walley OAM and CEO of Reconciliation WAÂ Jody Nunn commenced a powerful journey exploring international models of truth telling, healing and sustainability. They travelled to New Zealand, Canada, Europe (Germany and Sweden), and South Africa to look at models and impacts of past and contemporary Truth Commissions for Indigenous peoples worldwide.
Through observing and considering the instruments and experiences of the Truth Commissions, they developed a deeper understanding of the environment where healing and justice have been achieved or missed. They met with Indigenous leaders globally and those who supported the process and continue to focus on this important work. The research will provide important context for Western Australia’s continuing truth telling work, in particular the Wadjemup (Rottnest Island) truth telling process, which is supported by the Western Australian Government.
Churchill Report: Truth Telling, Healing and SustainabilityWatch the Churchill Fellowship Presentation
Hear from Robyn and Jody as they present their findings.

What is the Churchill Fellowship?

Where did the fellowship take them?
Robyn and Jody's global journey:
Melbourne, Australia
Wellington, New Zealand
Waitangi, New Zealand
Winnipeg, Canada
Vancouver, Canada
Nuremburg, Germany
Kiruna, Sweden
Umea, Sweden
Cape Town, South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa

We are looking forward to sharing our journey with you and to
spread our newly learnt knowledge about the Global
Reconciliation Movement
Robyn Smith-Walley OAM and CEO of Reconciliation WA Jody Nunn

Engaged Organisations in the Global Conversations
Yoorook Truth Commission
New Zealand
Treaty of Waitangi
Waitangi Tribunal and Te Arawhiti
Waitangi Treaty Grounds
Te Papa Tongarewa Museum
National Truth Commission
National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation
Qikiqtani Truth Commission
Reconciliation Canada
City of Vancouver
Canadian Human Rights Museum
Museum of Anthropology
Museum of Vancouver
Indian Reserve School Dialogue Centre
Museums of Nuremburg
Memorium – Nuremburg Trials
City of Nuremburg
Flossenbrg Concentration Camp
Samediggi Sami Parliament
Sami Truth Commission
Ajite Saami Museum
Race Biology Institute
South Africa
Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Robben Island
Amy Foundation
Apartheid Museum
Nelson Mandela Foundation
Desmond and Leah Tutu Foundation