Reconciliation WA (RWA) held our Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 7 December, where our membership elected three new Board Members and the 2021/22 Annual Report was presented to our members.
Tracey Ninyette, Mark Ninyett and Ed Kalajzic each retired as Board members. We thank and acknowledge Tracey, Mark and Ed for their contributions to RWA and the broader reconciliation movement.
We were delighted to see the election of Rohan Collard, Daniel Morrison and Helen Sadler. We are proud to maintain at least 50% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander representation on our Board, and look forward to the perspectives our new Board Members will bring to the steering of RWA.
What an incredible year we have had. In National Reconciliation Week (NRW) 2022 we were asked to Be Brave. Make Change. We answered that call with a new model, amplifying our digital access and promoting regional voices across our NRW programme. Across the state, many organisations and sectors stepped up.
We were delighted with how organisations creatively accessed our programs and resources tuning into the NRW Virtual Breakfast – with families, Local Government, State Government teams and others engaging their communities.
There is no time to rest. We know 2023 will have a paradigm shift with the Prime Minister committing to the implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart in full through a referendum process. Reconciliation has been prioritised and has garnered the attention it deserves around the country. We encourage you to step fully on to the reconciliation journey and, in turn, we commit to supporting you.
Our thanks must go to fellow Board members and the team who work tirelessly behind the scenes. We’re immensely proud of the work they do to advance the agenda and drive respectful change.
Our final thanks go to the many Aboriginal Elders and Leaders who support the reconciliation movement on its journey – for their continued guidance, resilience and kindness – and we hear their challenge to us. It is time.
Yours in reconciliation,