Bringing National Reconciliation Week to a close, Reconciliation WA presents the Walk for Reconciliation.
The Walk for Reconciliation will take place in beautiful Kaarta Koomba (Kings Park), seeing thousands of people across the day connect to Boodja and celebrate the living Noongar culture.
Starting with a Welcome to Country and smoking ceremony, people will journey through Kaarta Koomba (Kings Park) engaging in a range of cultural immersion opportunities including truth-telling, dancing, arts workshops and an opportunity to learn more about The Voice.
Walking waves will depart throughout the day.
If you can’t join us in Boorloo, we encourages communities across WA to host a walk in solidarity with Aboriginal people.
Date: Friday 2 June
Time: Sessions departing every 20 minutes from 10am – 3.20pm
Registration: Free
Location: Yorkas Nyinning Building, Kaarta Koomba (Kings Park)