06 Jun

05:30pm - 07:00pm

Truth-telling in Reconciliation

Reconciliation WA, 40 Havelock Street, West Perth, Whadjuk Noongar Boodja

Join us for the Reconciliation in Action Forum: Truth-telling in Reconciliation

Reconciliation WA and the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth and Justice invites the WA community to a panel discussion on ‘Truth-telling in Reconciliation’.
Panellists will discuss a broad range of truth-telling initiatives, from local to regional to national, and explore how they impact upon the wider reconciliation process. The National Centre is based at Federation University in Victoria, and leads regional and national dialogues in reconciliation, truth, and justice.

The Centre is led by Professor Andrew Gunstone, Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation, and an international expert in academic and industry understandings and engagements in these areas. The Centre also employs three internationally renowned Indigenous Professorial Research Fellows – Professors Bindi Bennett, Dennis Foley, and Emma Lee – and has appointed several expert academic and industry Adjunct Research Fellows.

Come and learn more about the National Centre and some local reconciliation allies working in partnership.

The panel comprises of:

  • Professor Andrew Gunstone, Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation
  • Emma Garlett, Member Advisory Board and Adjunct Professor, National Centre
  • Robyn Smith-Walley, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, National Centre and Churchill Fellow
  • Jim Morrison, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, National Centre
  • Jody Nunn, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, National Centre and Churchill Fellow
  • Alan Carter, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, National Centre