07 Aug

05:30pm - 07:00pm

Churchill Fellowship: Truth Telling, Healing and Sustainability (Online)


Join Jody Nunn and Robyn Smith-Walley in their discussions about the reconciliation movement globally through their research with the Churchill Fellowship. 

In 2023, Noongar Leader Robyn Smith-Walley OAM and Reconciliation WA CEO Jody Nunn commenced a powerful journey exploring international models of truth telling, healing and sustainability. They travelled to New Zealand, Canada, Germany, Sweden and South Africa to look at models and impacts of past and contemporary Truth Commissions for Indigenous peoples world-wide. Through observing and considering the instruments and experiences of the Truth Commissions, they developed a deeper understanding of environment where healing and justice have been achieved or missed. They met with Indigenous leaders globally and those who supported the process and continue to focus on this important work. The research will provide important context for Western Australia’s continuing truth telling work, in particular the Wadjemup (Rottnest Island) truth telling process, that has been supported by the Western Australian Government.

Robyn and Jody will share their learnings and the opportunities from this important research, along with a truth telling framework which captures their learnings for others to consider as they embark on historical acceptance and truth telling.

The Churchill Trust supported both Robyn and Jody to complete this research as a reconciliation partnership and we thank them for this opportunity.